Friday, February 24, 2012

While working on logistics today, I took time to read from Bresson to re-awaken my perspective. It is quite easy to be caught up in all the persnickety details and worries, so picking up words from Bresson reminds me that I am making a film about words. Today's quote is worth the consideration of my internal desire to shut myself the hell up and just be silent with it all- just let it be what it is to my innermost self:

"Debussy himself used to play with the piano's lid down". 


  1. speaking of Debussy-- I do adore that quote-- there is another anecdote one hears about him, where supposedly he asked permission of the poet Mallarme to set his poem Afternoon of the FAun to music, to which Mallarem replied But I thought I had already done that!

  2. good one! I love Debussy. Grew up listening to all kinds of classical and opera, so this one is a good reminder to keep it honest. thanks Jeanne. I am glad someone out there knows Debussy.


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